Headshot of Emily Sebald PCIT therapist

I can help you with Parent Child Interaction Therapy

Being a parent is difficult. I can help make it a little bit easier for parents in San Diego, Riverside County and Washington State with PCIT Therapy. PCIT stands for Parent Child Interaction Therapy. What makes PCIT so effective is having me, your therapist, coaching you through difficult situations during sessions in real time to help you successfully implement skills while making progress in improving your child’s behavior. I provide PCIT Therapy online to allow for families all across CA and WA to benefit from this important work. If you reside in CA or WA and are looking to start PCIT therapy, contact me today!

Woman's hand over book on her lap

Parent Child Interaction Therapy

Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) focuses on teaching parents new skills to reduce behavior problems while improving the parent-child relationship.

Being a parent is difficult, especially when your child doesn’t seem to listen and tests your patience every chance they get. Constant interrupting, tantrums, hitting, and defiance are behaviors you have become familiar with.

You don’t want to have to yell at your child, but you’re frustrated and nothing else seems to work. You want to teach your child what is expected of them without sacrificing your relationship with them.

Wouldn’t it be great to feel confident that your child would listen the FIRST time you told them to do something? Or to take them out in public without fearing a tantrum? You want to improve your relationship with your child and discuss your toughest moments as a parent.

You can be in control again and I can help you get there. Contact me for a free consultation.

I’ll be happy to answer any additional questions you may have and we’ll both get a chance to see if we’re a good fit to work together. I look forward to hearing from you!


Phases of Treatment

Child Directed Interaction

Child Directed Interaction (CDI)

This is the first phase of treatment in PCIT, usually lasting 5-6 sessions. Before beginning this phase of treatment, parents will have a “Teach” session with therapist and without their child present. The goal is to have uninterrupted time for parents to learn and practice play therapy skills prior to implementing them in session with their child. This phase of treatment is about using positive parenting skills to improve the parent child relationship while helping your child to increase positive behaviors like learning to share, improving attention, and seeking out positive attention.

Parent Directed Interaction

Parent Directed Interaction (PDI)

This is the second phase of treatment in PCIT, also lasting about 5-6 sessions. Like with CDI, there will be a “Teach” session to provide time for parents to learn skills and ask any questions they have about remaining behavior problems. This phase of treatment is about helping the child to learn to comply with commands the FIRST time they are told. Time out and house rules are also systematically introduced to eliminate any remaining behaviors that are causing disruption.

Ready to get started?
Contact me for a free consultation.


Want to learn more about PCIT?
For additional parent resources, visit PCIT International’s website